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10 Minute Trainers

Short trainers have been developed to help councils work together more effectively using everyday examples they might face on the job. The training is led by the administrator and designed to help councils help themselves, using their own legislation like their council procedures bylaw.

Download the trainers.

Dispute Resolution Office

Interested in dispute resolution training? The Dispute Resolution Office provides and encourages the provision of dispute resolution and mediation services to the public, including training in communication, conflict resolution, and mediation. The office can also help by providing professional mediation and facilitation services to people in conflict; providing technical expertise and assistance to public sector organizations; and supporting the development of restorative justice initiatives. Learn more

Tips for Conducting Effective Meetings

With busy schedules and multiple topics to tackle, making every minute count in your council, committee, or staff meeting is essential. But that can be challenging when members come unprepared or you're faced with constant disruptions. Learn how to effectively prepare for meetings, and how to avoid a power surge among participants. From dealing with personality conflicts to handling interruptions, this presentation by management coach Gordon Wyatt offers you the tools to keep your meeting running smoothly and efficiently. 

Power Up Your Council With Clear Roles

Conflict sometimes happens when a council isn't quite sure of their role. Rob DeRooy, Vice-President of Governance and Strategy for Government Solutions Inc., breaks down the roles of councils and gives tools for providing direction and gaining control in his presentation Power Up Your Council with Clear Roles.

Blow the Whistle on Workplace Harassment

Harassment in the workplace and wrongful terminations can be costly. You could find yourself the subject of a code of ethics complaint or a lawsuit. Randy Langgard, Integrity Commissioner for the City of Regina, and Michael Solowan, a lawyer with Brownlee LLP share how to keep your community a great place to work. 

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